Expectations from the Conference and Working on Recollections
At the first workshop of the Conference, divided into smaller working groups, participants were expressing their expectations from the conference, defined its meaning and significance by answering the question “Why is it important to reconstruct women’s memories?” This is how the Conference participants evaluated the significance and expectations from reconstructing women’s memories:
we remember so that others wouldn’t remind us
we remember for acquiring better insight
we remember in order to recognize the good and successful in our work and learn from it
remembering is thinking about ourselves and where we are
remembering is affirmation of our work, activities and progress
remembering the past gives hope to the future
not to forget and not to be forgotten
we want to remember because we are proud of what we did
we want to control our memories
we want our memories to become public, a part of the collective memory
not to forget certain people and certain destinies
to evaluate our work, its meaning and significance
to document our work
to prevent what happened to us from happening again
to prevent “the occurrence” of bad future
to learn from the past, not to forget
to evaluate our professional, political and societal progress
remembering is emotionally important
the present and future depend on memories
we do not want our memories to be replaced by the “official” ones
remembering is important for personal identity and continuity
we remember in order to pass on our experiences to the young
Expectations – what do we want to express with our memories:
we want to say that women are courageous, strong and that they want to decide about their own lives
we expect the women to start practicing what they preach: love, respect and solidarity
we want to say that women can and want to influence positive changes
talking to women dear to us
more influence and power in society
active politics of collective memory in which women too are taking place
we want to make sure women have their place in the collective memory
we want to promote feminism in the sense of gender equality
we want to collect women’s memories on the culture of resistance to war